Latest News

Our thoughts and news on all things APAC and tech related.

What Have We Learnt from Apple’s 2021 WWDC?

At Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference or WWDC, they revealed some of their upcoming plans for 2021. Apple is a company that consistently moves with the times, and there are not many brands that match their ability to stay up-to-date...

The Benefits of Healthcare Apps Post-Pandemic

Healthcare apps were already very useful and were used before the pandemic however,post-pandemic, these apps are more popular than ever due to the amount of illness and death caused by COVID-19.Seen below are a few benefits of using healthcare apps...

Building Your First Business App

It is important when building your first business app that the initial launch is successful, if it falls short and your product develops a bad reputation for your company then users may not engage with your brand in the future....

The Importance of User Experience

The user experience is vital in developing a successful app or website, without engaging the user, they will not use your product or recommend your brand to others. Read on below to see how you can make the user experience...

The New Apple M1 Core Processor

This month, Apple has unveiled the new M1 core processor which will be available in new Macs & MacBooks that we will soon be on the market. This new core processor will bring major enhancements to app performance on the...