How Can an App Give You the Advantage Over Competitors?

Now many consider the first official app to be the basic arcade game ‘Snake’, this was pre-built into the Nokia 6110. However, the idea of creating mobile apps on a larger scale was envisioned by a not so famous man named Steve Jobs in 1983! He would later be the win to bring his idea to reality with the release of the App Store on July 10th in 2008. Fast-forwarding to 2021 and there are now over 1.96 million apps on the App Store as well as a further 2.87 million on the Google Play Store. Due to this, mobile apps are a must for your business and anyone who does not have an app are missing out big time.

Read on below to find out how an app can give you an advantage over your business competitors.

Higher Sales of Products & Services

Apps allow you to increase sales of products & services as they create more notability around your business. A study conducted in September 2015 found out that over the course of 3 months, consumers who downloaded a branded app increased spending from over 19% to 48%! With that level of increase it surely should be a no-brainer for business owners who are already selling products via their website, to create another way of increasing sales through a mobile app. You can also pick up your phone and buy through an app in a matter of minutes, if your business is closed for the day in person then someone online could still be buying your products through a mobile app and you can literally make money in your sleep!

People Prefer Apps to Websites

As I have already alluded  to, the ease of picking up your mobile phone and buying products in minutes is a great advantage to have over your competitors. It is much less fuss to simply open an app than it is to go on your browser and search for a specific website to buy something. If anything can be made faster it means it will gain popularity due to more people wanting to have a shortcut to everything in life (we are a very lazy species!) 85% of mobile users prefer mobile apps to websites, if you develop an app for your consumers it will influence them to spend more on your company, as long as it is well-designed and formatted. To ensure you can have the  best performing mobile app, be sure to take a look at our mobile app development page and get in touch with us here at Appoly.

Creating Brand Loyalty

By developing an app for your business you immediately create a bubble of users that have gone out of their way to download it. This automatically creates brand loyalty as these people are engaged with your business and want an easier way to access your products or services. This gives you an advantage over your competitors as these loyal users will tend to prioritise your business over your competition. An app is much more user friendly and welcoming than a website, when people buy off a website it is just a cold and purely transactional process. In comparison, an app is a place where people go to consistently spend their time and money on and have an idea of your what your business offers.

Contact Appoly AU for App Development

If you are looking to develop a web or mobile app or have an idea that you’d like to discuss then get in touch and speak to one of our expert AU based development team members.

We’re always happy to discuss new projects, whether big or small. You can get in touch by using the contact form on our contact page.

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